Mi lista de blogs

viernes, 16 de diciembre de 2011

domingo, 11 de diciembre de 2011

Unit 7 lesson 3 pair work

Look at the easy chair. What do you think?
I think it's really nice.
You do?
Definitely. What about you?
I'm not sure.

Unit 7 lesson 2 pair work

Do you like live in a house or an apartment?
A house.
What's it like?
Well, there are four bedrooms and large kitchen.
Sounds nice.

Unit 7 Lesson 1 pair work

So what do you do?
I'm a student. I study at the ITSC.
The ITSC? Where's that?
It's road Cananea- Aguaprieta km. 81.5, next to the secondary Tecnica.
And do you live nearby?
Yes. A house near the school. What about you?
Me? I'm teacher. I work at ITSC.

Unit 6 Wrap Up

This sweater is beautiful.
These shoes are red.
This jeans are brown.
Those pants are blue.

Do you like this green sweater?
Do you like these red shoes?
Do you like this jeans?
Do you like those pants?

Social lenguage
Let's go shopping.
OK. What do you need?

Unit 6 lesson 3 pair work

Let's go shopping.
OK. What do you need?
I need a dress and new shoes.
Is that all?
Yes, it is. Oh, actually I need sweater too.

Unit 6 lesson 2 pair work

Do you like those shoes?
Yes, I do.

Do you like this pants?
No, I don't

Unit 6 lesson 1 pair work

I like this shoes.
Thank you.
You're welcome.

I like that sweater.
Thank you.
You're welcome.

I  like those suits.

Thank you
You're welcome

I like these shoes.
Thank you.
You're welcome.

Unit 5 Wrap Up

1.- a movie
2.- a play
3.- a concert
4.- a party
5.- a game
6.- a speech

There's a speech on Friday at 2:00 on Weekday Books.
There's a game on Sunday at 5:00 on Star Stadium.
There's a concert on Tuesday at 8:30 on Gemini Stadium.
There's a party on Saturday at 9:30 on 58 Post Street. (across from bank)

Social lenguage
What time is the movie?
It's at 6:30 

What time is the play?
It's at 4:00

What time is the concert?
It's a 2:00

What time is the party?
It's a 5:00

What time is the speech?
It's a 3:30

Unit 5 lesson 3 pair work

When's your birthday? 
On May 9th. When's yours?
My birthday's in January. January 18th.

Unit 5 lesson 2 pair work

There's a game on Saturday. Would you like to go?
Sounds great. What time?
OK. Let's meet at quarter to eight.

There's a speech on Wednesday. Would you like to go?
Sounds great. What time?
OK. Let's meet at quarter to eight.

There's a concert on Sunday. Would you like to go?
Sounds great. What time?
OK. Let's me at three o' clock

There's a movie on Thursday. Would you like to go?
Sounds great. What time?
OK. Let's me at quarter to six.

Unit 5 lesson 1 pair work

What time is Chemical class?
Oh, Am I Iate?
No, you're not. It's five to twelve.
Five to twelve?
That's right. Don't worry. You're on time.

lunes, 28 de noviembre de 2011

Unit 4

Who are they?

This is Hayley Nichole Williams is a singer rock famous from Franklin Tennesse, not married.

Meet Paola Espinoza and Tatiana Ortiz are professional divers.They have several Olympic medals. Paola was born in La Paz, Baja California, and Tatiana in Mexico City

domingo, 13 de noviembre de 2011

Unit 4 Wrap-Up

Vocabulary. Describe the people.
He's handsome 
She's pretty

She's young
He's old

He's tall
She's short

He's cute
He's slim


He have two brothers
She has three sister
They have two grandchildren
She has two brothers
He have four children
She has two children

Social language.

Who's he?
He's her son

Who's he?
He's her husband

Who's she?
She's his wife

Who's they?
They're his grandparents

Unit 4 lesson 3

Conversation. Describe people.

Itzel: Tell me about your mother.
Lizbeth: Well, she's a lawyer. She's very tall.
Itzel: And how about your father?
Lizbeth: He's a doctor. He's short, and he's handsome

Unit 4 lesson 1

Conversation. Identify family members.

Julia: Who's that?
Itzel: That's my mother.
Julia: And who are they?
Itzel: They're my brothers, Irvin and José.

Unit 2 lesson 2

Conversation. Tell someone your first name and last name.

Itzel: What's your last name, please?
Ms. Morales: Morales.
Itzel: And your first name?
Ms. Morales: My first name? Kerén.


No first name with tittles. Only last name.

Unit 2 lesson 1

Conversation Introduce people
Itzel:Erika, this is German. German's my classmate.
Erika:Hi, German.
German:Hi, Erika. It's a pleasure to meet you.
Erika: It's a pleasure to meet you too.

miércoles, 26 de octubre de 2011

Unit 3 Wrap-up

1 restaurant
2 newsstand
3 taxi stand
4 bus station
5 park
6. bookstore
7 airport
8 museum
9 bank
10 train station
11 travel ageny
12 post office 
13 conve
nience store
14  mall


The train station is down the street, on the right
The bus station is next to from the convenience store.
The post office is across from the a bank.
The newsstand is next to the bookstore..
The airport is next to the train station.
The bank is across the street from the newsstand
The travel agency agency is across from the park.
The convenience store is from next to the bookstore
The restaurant is across from the bus station.
The museum is across from the bookstore.

The taxi stand is around the corner, on the right..
The mall is around the corner on the left.
The park is next to the restaurant.
The bookstore is next to from the museum.

Social language.

Where's the mall?
It's around the corner, on the left.

Where's the post office? 
It's around the corner, on the left.

Where's the museum?
It's down the street to second.

Where's the train station?
 It's around the corner , on the right.

 Where´s the newsstand ? 
 It´s next to the bookstore.

Where´s the travel agency?
It´s across from the park.

Where´s the taxi stand?
It´s around the corner, on the right.

Where´s the park?
It´s next to the restaurant.

Where´s the bank?
 It´s across the street from the newsstand.

Where´s the convenience store?
It´s across from the bus station.

Where´s the airport?
It´s next to the train station.

Where´s the bus station?
 It´s across from the newsstand.

Where´s restaurant?
It's across from the bus station.

Where´s the bookstore?
It´s next to the newsstand.

Unit 3 lesson 3 pair work

Suggest a means of transportation.
Josh: How do I get to the coffe point?
Hayley: Don't walk. Take a taxi.
Josh: A taxi?
Hayley: Yes, that's right.
Josh: Thanks.
Hayley: You're welcome.

Unit 3 lesson 2 pair work

Give and get directions
Erin: Excuse me. How do I get to the train station?
Erick: The train station? Go two blocks and turn left.
Erin: Thanks!
Erick: No problem.

Unit 3 Lesson 1 pair work

Ask about the location of places

Alan: Excuse me. Is there a pharmacy near here?
Luis: Yes. There's a pharmacy down the street.

Juan: Excuse me. Is there a newsstand near here?
Jose: Yes. There's a newsstand across the street.

Unit 3 lesson 1 locations vocabulary booster

Casa de la cultura is across the street from Altamirano school.
Super del norte is around the corner from Bar sushi 7.
The bank is down the street from hospital.
Buffalos restaurant is next to coffe point.

lunes, 10 de octubre de 2011

Unit 1 Wrap up

She's a doctor. They're nurse

A: Is he a singer?
B:Yes, he is

Social languaje:
A: Hello. I'm Itzel
B: Nice to meet you.

martes, 27 de septiembre de 2011

Unit1 lesson 3 Pair work

A:Hello. I'm Itzel Moyers
B:Excuse me?
A:Itzel Moyers.
B:How do you spell that?
A: M-O-Y-E-R-S

Unit 1 lesson 2 Pair work

A: Are you Lizbeth?
B: No, I'm not. I'm Keren. That's Lizbeth.
B: Right over there.
A Thank you.
B: You're welcome.

Unit 1Lesson 1 Pair work

Itzel: What do you do?
Keren: I'm Teacher. And you?
Itzel: I'm Singer


martes, 13 de septiembre de 2011

Like's and Dislike's

I like to see the rain, the sky and the dark clouds. I dont' like see violence in animals.
I like smell flowers (Tulips). I don't like smell the soup.
I like eat sushi. I don't like eat hamburger.
I like listen to music. I don't like listen to duranguense.
I like touch my guitar. I don't like touch insects.
I like go the partys. I don't like go to the circus

My good memory was when i went to Las Vegas.
My bad memory was when an my aunt died.

domingo, 4 de septiembre de 2011

Reglas del laboratorio de ingles

-Place bookbags on the back shelves
-Not allowed:
*Cell phones
*Food, drinks
*Bookbags near the computers

-I commit myself to:
*to complete 15 squares per week
*to take care of computer equipment
*to place the chair back in its place
*to place the headphone on the right upper corner
*to write the used computer number and the complete square number after the sign in.

1.-Asistencia y retardos:
a) Enfermedades del alumno, solo si entrega una receta del doctor(de la institucion) no se aseptan recetas de otros doctores.
b) Fallecimiento de un familiar.El grupo entero no podra faltar, a la clase.
c) Emergencias comprobables. Solo en casos especiales.
2.-Con base al reglamento escolar, el alumno devera asistir al 80% de las clases para tener derecho a examenes.
a) El alumno no tendra derecho a examen si tiene 3 faltas injustificadas en una unidad
b) El alumno no tendra derecho a examen global, final si acumula 8 faltas injustificadas en ese periodo.
c)Los examenes seran aplicados los dias señalados por la maestra.
d) Los alumnos que participen en actividades extraescolares deverasn presentar un oficio firmado por el maestro encargado con la lista de los alumnos que no asistiran a clase para participar en dicho evento. Deve entregar el documento antes del evento.
e) Si el alumno no cumple con el 80% de la asistencia, no tendra derecho a examen de regularizacion. Reprobara el curso
f) Cuando el alumno tenga dos examenes parciales reprobados no pasara de nuivel ya que no tendra derecho a examen de regularizacion.
g) Los alumnos que asistan a clase con condiciones especiales es indispensable una extricta asistencia para poder pasar de nivel.
3.-Sera considerado retardo:
a) 5 minutos despues de la hora
b) 3 retardos equivalen a 1 falta. No se justifica el retardo si el maestro de la clase anterior los detiene despues de la hora.
c) El alumno tiene derecho a reportar a la maestra que llegue tarde.

Vestimenta adecuada para un trabajo y expectativas del semestre

Tanto para el hombre como para la mujer la vestimenta adecuada para un trabajo tiene que ser formal y correcta, en el caso de las mujeres es mas dificil porque tenemos que poner mas enfasis en la forma de nuestro maquillaje, peinado y zapatillas. La ropa adecuada seria una falda negra ó azul marino que deje ver la rodilla, pantalon negro ó gris y blusa para la ocasion sin escote. Lo que una mujer no deve llevar las blusas que no tienen manga y tanto la blusa como el pantalon no deven de estar muy apretados, no usar estampados ni colores llamativos, sin campanas en los pantalones, no sandalias.
Los hombres con un corte normal, camisola fajada (no colores llamativos, ni vaquera) con zapatos.

Lo que espero de este semestre es lograr todo lo que me propongo aprendiendo un poco más de lo que ya conosco, practicarlo todos los dias y asi mejorar mi aprendizaje prestando la suficiente atención y capacidad.
Lo que no espero es que la clase sea aburrida, rutinaria y que la maestra no tenga la suficiente pasiencia y dedicacion al impartir su materia.

Carta de presentación

Itzel Yahaira Moyers Lozano
16 Francisco Marquez leyes de reforma 2

Cananea, Sonora.

Aug. 23’2011
María Ana Amelia Navarro Varela
Instituto Tecnológico  Superior  de Cananea
Km. 82.5 Carretera Cananea-Agua Prieta 

Dear Mrs.Tapia:

Por medio de la presente, me dirijo a usted de la manera más atenta para darle a conocer mi interés por llevar su clase. Le hago saber que tengo las cualidades suficientes para aprender su materia como segundo idioma, y a la vez desarrollar  y extender más mi intelecto.
Me eh informado que usted es excelente maestra al platicar sobre su enseñanza con varios de sus alumnos anteriormente eso me ha interesado.
Me despido de usted de la manera mas atenta y cordial le pido me deje tomar su materia, de antemano gracias por su atención y recibimiento de esta carta.


Itzel Yahaira Moyers Lozano

Inicio de Blog

Yo lo inicie mi blog el dia 26 de agosto del 2011 en la materia de ingles I, con el fin de subir y editar mis trabajos de clase y tareas para que asi la maestra cada día pueda visualizar todo lo que se hace en clase, todo se ira guardando sucesivamente de acuerdo a la fecha que se publicaron.